The 200,000 working families of the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council improve the lives of working people by standing together and fighting for each other. Our members come from a broad array of sectors and professions. We are nurses, teachers, firefighters, retail workers, truck drivers, construction tradespeople, grocery employees, domestic workers, janitors, stagehands, college professors and more.  


Together we are fighting to rebuild the middle class.

How do we win? It’s simple. We make sure workers have a voice on the job and at the negotiating table so we can stand up to our bosses to get better wages, healthcare, retirement security and fair treatment on the job.

Then we take that worker power into halls of government.

Union workers are powerful forces in the fight for change. We strive to make housing more affordable, improve education and lower healthcare costs. We demand justice, dignity and equality for every working family.  

Our community of workers, delegates, e-board and staff empower workers every day in our fight to sign quality contracts, elect pro-worker leaders and pass worker-friendly laws.
